Subject: Re: netstat ...
To: None <>
From: Jacques Hugo <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/21/1997 00:11:25
> >When running netstat, I get " netstat: no namelist " back. Anyone have
> >any ideas?
> You don't mention which version of NetBSD you use, nor which port you
> use; so I'll throw out some of the problems & solutions I've seen.
> 1) Are you still using a stripped INSTALL kernel? Replace it with an
> unstripped kernel.
> 2) Are you booting a kernel other than /netbsd? If so, rename it to
> /netbsd and reboot.
> 3) 'rm /var/db/kvm*.db && kvm_mkdb /netbsd'
Morning all.
Thanks, no 3 worked. Linux uses its /proc/net/* entries to read and
display its sockets. Looks like NetBSD doesn't. Does NetBSD always
create a database for every `netstat` command, or only once off?
Just a question.