Subject: Re: netstat ...
To: None <>
From: Mike Long <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/21/1997 16:03:53
>From: Jacques Hugo <>
>Date: Tue, 21 Jan 1997 00:11:25 -0800 (PST)
>> 3) 'rm /var/db/kvm*.db && kvm_mkdb /netbsd'
>Thanks, no 3 worked. Linux uses its /proc/net/* entries to read and
>display its sockets. Looks like NetBSD doesn't. Does NetBSD always
>create a database for every `netstat` command, or only once off?
>Just a question.
kvm_mkdb(8) creates a database to be used by the kvm(3) routines; it
is usually run by /etc/rc. It only rebuilds the database when it
detects that the kernel you feed it differs from the one that was used
to build the current database.
NetBSD uses kvm(3) instead of /proc because code that uses kvm can be
used to debug kernel core dumps.
Mike Long <> <URL:>
VLSI Design Engineer finger for PGP public key
Analog Devices, CPD Division CCBF225E7D3F7ECB2C8F7ABB15D9BE7B
Norwood, MA 02062 USA (eq (opinion 'ADI) (opinion 'mike)) -> nil