Subject: Re: NetBSD talkd ..vulnerable?
To: Rick Byers <>
From: Jonathan Marsden <Jonathan@XC.Org>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/28/1997 18:09:38
On 28 Jan 1997, Rick Byers writes:
> As far as I can tell, the netbsd talkd is safe. The Bind that comes
> with netbsd on the other hand, may not be. Would anyone else care
> to confirm this?
I'm not an expert on security holes in BIND, but the 4.9.5-REL release
of BIND compiles and installs "out of the tarfile" on NetBSD 1.2/i386.
I did it, just to be safe (well, safer, anyway!).
Jonathan Marsden | Internet: | Making electronic
1849 N. Wabash Ave.| Phone: +1 (909) 794 1151 | communications work
Redlands, CA 92374 | FAX: +1 (909) 794 3016 | reliably for Christian
USA | | missions worldwide