Subject: Re: netbsd-i386 to mac network questions
To: None <,>
From: Wailer <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/30/1997 18:44:50
Apple ][ have no std serial port. With expansion cards you can give
them a serial port but not an appletalk port. The ][e came with a
serial port (I think) or with card for it. So the best you can do
with them is to wire null modem serial lines to a terminal server
or 16-port serial card deal.
If you have old Mac+ you can run localtalk or phoneNET and use
appletalk to do real networking with any macs. You MIGHT be able
to do with apple ][gs. However, to talk to this network with a unix
box you'll need hardware to do the appletalk<->ip conversion like a
cayman gatorbox or a shiva fastpath. These boxes don't appear to be
cheap but maybe a donation from someone upgrading to a cisco?
To recap, no PPP on apple][, just dumb terminals. Lots of wires,
and a multiport serial board in the unix box. Hardware needed to
link up appletalk to unix.