Subject: How to improve my network performance?
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Piet Tutelaers <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/07/1997 17:30:46
Since I have installed NetBSD1.2 my network is performing badly.  I
especialy suffer when I am starting up X (takes about 30 seconds on my
Decpc (450dx2) with 16MB internal memory), or when I use `rcp' to a
local machine (40 secs for a simple file).

I would appreciate some help in tracing/solving my problem. I used
traceroute and netstat but they don't give me any clue.

Best wishes,


internet:      __o      Piet Tutelaers
                             _`\<,_     Computer Center       Room  RC 1.82
phone:  +31 (0)40 2474541   (_)/ (_)    Eindhoven University of  Technology
fax:    +31 (0)40 2434438  Save nature  P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, NL