Subject: Re: Invitation to speak at BEACH LISA in San Diego on May 20th, 7pm
To: Max Bell <>
From: Scott C Kennedy 619-658-4152 <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/14/1997 21:30:44
from: (Max Bell)
From: Scott C Kennedy 619-658-4152 <>
>My name is Scott C. Kennedy and I am on the board of director's
>for BEACH L.I.S.A - the San Diego System Administrators Group.
>[ . . . ]
>Each speaker will be asked to give a 10 min presentation on their
>implementation, they are free to say anything they like during their
>presentation, but I'd suggest staying within the realms of good taste.
>(ie. no competitor bashing)
>[ . . . ]
> War of the Intel Unixes
> Experts from the partisian camps of BSD, Linux and Solaris,
> all on Intel, will square off in a panel discussion of who
> has the better Unix. Perhaps the only thing they'll agree
> on is that any of them are better than Microsoft Windows.
>[ . . . ]
>Included is the timeline. I hope that you can arrange for someone to attend.
I fail to see how you will combine "no competitor bashing" with "war" and
"who has the better".
I've already made suggestions to the web author to change her text.
The title should be "Unix on Intel Panel" and "square off" should be
"roundtable" (it's all in the geometry.)
But, you can have a better product and give a presentation extolling your
benefits without resorting to bashing the other products that compete in
your marketplace. So, I do disagree with your other point.