Subject: Re: uucp stuff...?
To: Mason Loring Bliss <>
From: Hauke Fath <hauke@Espresso.Rhein-Neckar.DE>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/15/1997 01:16:11
At 0:15 Uhr +0200 15.07.1997, Mason Loring Bliss wrote:
>Hi there... Once of my near-future goals is to get uucp running on my
>NetBSD/mac68K-equipped SE/30.
>I have two questions, at present:
>1) The 06/01/1997 -current snapshot doesn't seem to include a full uucp
>package. Is there a preferred (under NetBSD) uucp package out there, or
>should just about anything work? Is there a uupc available for NetBSD?
For somewhat obscure reasons - partly technical (cvs), partly ideological -
the NetBSD distribution does not come with info files. You need those to be
able to setup Taylor uucp, as it does not come with man pages. Apart from
that, NetBSD contains all there is to uucp.
I have been running my SE/30 as a mail&news-server on an UUCP feed for more
than half a year.
[mail header rewriting question]
This is not really UUCPs job to do. You are expected to configure
sendmail(8) or one of the alternative mail agents (qmail comes to mind,
look at my header ;) accordingly.
"It's never straight up and down" (DEVO)