Subject: System halt
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Marco Leone <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/25/1997 10:44:36
please help.
We have a NetBSD 1.2 i386 box with P100Mhz with 64Mb RAM Adaptec 2940
and two Seagate HD SCSI.
The system is a named, mail, pop3, tac_plus server. It is also a nfs
In the last 20 days it halted 5 times.
We have not been able to investigate why it halts.
Could anybody tell me what can I do to find where the problem/s is/are?
I ask you again to help me. Any suggestion will be appreciated.
Thank in advance.
Sometimes we have found core dump but with no relation with the system
I'm looking for reference about core dump investigation.
Marco Leone
Neomedia System Manager
Phone +39.91.348340
Fax +39.91.348746
Palermo, Italy