Subject: Re: freebsd -vs- netbsd -vs- openbsd (fwd)
To: Johnathan Raymond Sconiers II <jrs@Mcs.Net>
From: Ulrich Flegel <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/03/1998 10:11:06
>>>>> "JRS" == Johnathan Raymond Sconiers <jrs@Mcs.Net> writes:
JRS> ********************************* * M C S N E T * * Johnathan
JRS> Raymond Sconiers II * * *
JRS> *********************************
JRS> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sun, 1 Feb 1998
JRS> 17:00:44 -0600 (CST) From: Johnathan Raymond Sconiers II
JRS> <> To:
JRS> Subject: freebsd -vs- netbsd -vs- openbsd
JRS> Are there any added features that you would get by running
JRS> netbsd or openbsd. I have a few freebsd boxes and would like
JRS> to know are there any special features like networking etc
JRS> that would help in any way. Thanks .
IPSEC out of the box.