Subject: Re: lseek() continued! DOH!
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/04/1998 14:06:46
> : > It still sounds like you're treating the offset parameter and return
> : > value of lseek() as 32-bit values... they're 64-bit values. When you
> : > printf lseek's return value, you have to use a %qd, not %ld or %d. And
> : > make sure you #include <unistd.h>
> Let me give you a shot in the dark rewrite.
> You'll note four changes:
> - status is an off_t (that's the return value of lseek(), though
> conceivably `long' would work if the rest of the code worked ;).
> - the removal of `L' from constants assigned to pos (if `pos' is long,
> that's overkill, it's just a cleanup).
> - a sizeof(record) is changed to a sizeof(struct record), at the `^^^^^'.
> Perhaps this was a typo, or you `typedef struct record record'?
> - casting to off_t is done after all calculations EXCEPT NEGATING is done.
> (From memory:) When you evaluate a sizeof expression, its type is
> `unsigned int'. Negating it keeps it an `unsigned int', even though you
> negated it properly in 32-bit math. If you cast first, it becomes off_t
> (`signed long long'), which should work.
> The last change is what I think will fix this code as per the problem you
> have.
Yes! It was the off_t promotion I needed to make the program work
correctly. I had eliminated all the -Wall errors, I even started running
it through lint (hee hee what a funny program) on whatever the maximum
annoyance level is, and I had rewritten all the references to the offset
values to include the (off_t) casting, however it wasn't until I put the
negative sign in the correct place that everything just started magically
to work! Thank you so much for your help.. sometimes I think I
deliberately force myself to solve a problem in a particular way simply
because I know the logic is correct and I'm stubborn as heck--and though
rewriting it into new code would have saved me a lot of time, the
satisfaction that I can finally nail this one down (and can learn about
how to properly cast at the same time) is great.
Thanks Todd! You da man!
Marc Tooley
p.s. ktrace() is indeed my friend--as long as I cast things correctly. :)