Subject: Re: 2nd Sparc internal disk
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Wolfgang Rupprecht <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/07/1998 12:56:57
David.Nelson@BellCow.COM (Dave Nelson) writes:
> I'm going to add a second internal disk to a Sparcstation 5.
> I remember reading someplace that Sun didn't recommend putting
> anything over a 2GB/5400RPM drive in because of heat concerns. I'm
> currently thinking of putting a 4GB/5400RPM drive in. Anybody
> have any recommendations/cautionary tales?
Contrary to what Sun claims, heat generation is not rated in
gigabytes. It's still rated in watts. ;-)
I'd look up what Sun's other drive is sucking down in power and put
the largest storage capacity drive in there that didn't suck down more
than the sun drive. There are many drive that only use 10-15 watts.
The biggest challenge is your'll need to find a drive with the funny
all-in-one connector.
> Also, does anybody know where to get the internal disk
> "carrage" that I'll need to add the drive internally? Sun part
> number? Fair price?
I've seen them for sale from the Sun aftermarket places for
unreasonable sums $50-$100. For that price I'd use double stick foam