Subject: Inappropriate file type or format?
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: John Paquette <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/17/1998 01:27:16
I have installed NetBSD1.2 on a 386sx/16 4meg 200ide. When I
boot it seems to recognize my hardware and assigns device names.
I also see the following line during the boot process:
"kvm.mkdb: /netbsd: stripped: Inappropriate file type or format."
I get a login: prompt and can get in as root. I don't seem to be
able to access my devices? Can't get anything to print. Used lpc
and it doesn't seem to think I have a printer? Can't read or write
to a floppy? I am new to unix and have a book and am using the man
pages but I still am having no luck. If you have any suggestions
please help.
John P.