Subject: NFS RPC problems with ULTRIX4.3a
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Aaron Benner <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/21/1998 14:38:12
I've got a i386/NetBSD box serving disk to an DECStation, and I've run
into an interesting problem (bug?).
NFS configuation:
nfsd -tun 8
nfsiod -n 4
mountd -n
statd -d
The ultrix machine can mount up nfs partitions without any problem (No
errors logged). The problem comes when it tries to _unmount_ them. If,
on the ultrix machine, I "umount /foo" the BSD box's mountd logs the
following to syslog:
mountd[PID]: Umount request for "machine:/foo" from refused.
and continues to log it thousands of times (last message repeated 38393
Mountd on the BSD machine is, from that point on, dead. It doesn't exit,
and it doesn't log any errors but further mount attempts time out, and on
the ultrix machine I get an RPC: timeout error, then it unmounts the disk,
and goes on.
Now for the twist.
However, if I explicitly tell the ultrix box to "unmount the remotely
mouted filesystems and directories without notifying the server" the umout
works just fine, and logs no errors with the possible exception of the BSD
box still thinking that partition is remotely mounted (It shows up under
showmount -a)
I'm just wondering if anyone has any insight into what might be causing
this (conflics between NFSv2 & NFSv3 ?) and if there are any suggestions
on how I can fix it so that if I forget to do "umount -f" on the
ultrix machine I won't target mountd with a nuke and "click".
------------------Sensitive Pony Tail Man (dum da dummmmmm!)------------------
Her figure described a set of parabolas that could cause cardiac arrest
in a yak. --Woody Allen