Subject: Need help with crash recovery!
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Anders Eriksson <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/06/1998 23:26:52
I just had a (minor) crash on my / partition (no backup ;-( ) and am stuck
with two files which fsck has turned into devices. I can't find any way to
delete them. Help appreciated!
alpha# su
alpha# cd /var/log
alpha# ls -l
br-xr-x--t 1 976315240 691157554 10, 101 Jul 15 16:06 messages
br-s--srwT 1 1396776992 1396780867 32, 32 Aug 15 04:36 wtmp.3.gz
alpha# rm messages wtmp.3.gz
override r-xr-x--t 976315240/691157554 for messages? y
rm: messages: Operation not permitted
override r-s--srwT 1396776992/1396780867 for wtmp.3.gz? y
rm: wtmp.3.gz: Operation not permitted