Subject: Re: Not your typical help q--Monitoring tty's?
To: Herb Peyerl <>
From: Rob Deker <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/16/1998 14:10:46
On Thu, 16 Apr 1998, Herb Peyerl wrote:
> no kidding! I have several thousand users who probably want to do 'naughty
> things' and I bet probably even write email to their friends about the
> 'naughty things' they do/did... But as a sysadm, I find it distasteful to
> actually monitor their individual actions or read their correspondance...
> Not to mention the fact that were I to actually want to do this, I couldn't
> possibly come up with the amount of time required to do a good job of it.
I agree qith you wholeheartedly here. I am also interested in such a tool
though. Not for "Big Brothering", but as a teaching aid. I've got a bunch
of users who regularly ask me for help on things and it sure would be
easier if I had the option of watching/helping them in real time...
"Off the keyboard, through the CPU, |
out the transceiver, down the rj45 | Senior Operations Engineer
line, across the router, through |
the Hub, out the gateway. |
Nothing but net." |