Subject: YP files, yppasswd, amd with YP ...
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Sean Witham <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/21/1998 17:35:40
Has anyone got the following manual pages :
and any other infomation that can help with the configuration of mount
maps for a mix of unix boxes being served by YP on netbsd ? Some
information about the YP make files and what the make file does
with the amd yp map amd.home would be usefull.
Also does any one know what system utils need to be updated to work
with a yp master sever that uses seperate files to master such maps as
master.passwd. I imagine ypserv has to be altered to update the
alternative master map file for master.passwd instead of
/etc/master.paswd. Any help that sets me looking in the right areas
would be useful. I'd like to set up some form of configuration file
for ypserv or the yp libraries to locate maps etc and maybe a more
general purpose make file that can maintain all maps within a
directory automatically without are need to update to support enw
Any information that can help me here would be appreciated.