Subject: boot over network
To: netbsd-help <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Claude Foley <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/08/1998 14:10:00
I'm in the process of using two SUN 3/60 one as an NFS server and the
other one as a client.
I'm running NetBSD 1.3
I followed the step in the diskless man page and it does not work as
If the file /tftpboot/C0A80102 is created as this: ln -s
/usr/mdec/netboot C0A80102,
tftp give an error 'file not found' when I try: get C0A80102.
so I used cp /usr/mdec/netboot /tftpboot/C0A80102 and it works,
and I had to do the same for /export/terre/root/netbsd( links does not
work ).
But I guess that for the kernel I have to copy the file.
I also had a problem in the file /etc/exports
the line with "/export/terre ...=root -alldirs terre" give me an error,
I replace it by
"/export ...=root -alldirs terre" ( I used '...'
because I forgot what it was )
Does this will give me headache later.
I found out the tftpd could not access file when they are link.
I read the man page about tftpd and there is nothing about link.
Am'I doing something wrong or there is a bug in tftpd. This does bother
me because
I was following the guide religiously.
My goal is to have three 3/60 working together.
I will use one as an NFS server, one client will run X and I will use
the other one to run
the application I need. I'm doing this because I want to have better
performance when
running Mozilla( Netscape ).
I currently have a total of 60 Megs of memory, Shoul I put 20 Megs in
each of them.
Is there a better way to spread the load, what are you thinking of this
set up and which one
should I use to run pppd( I wanted to use the NFS server for ppp ).
All idea are welcome.
Thanks in advance to every one that will give me tips.
Claude Foley.