Subject: Re: boot over network
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Christoph Badura <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/09/1998 19:14:54 (Claude Foley) writes:
>For tftpd I just commented out the line in inetd.conf and
> -s /tftpboot is there so it should work.
>What I did to figure out the problem is simple.
>tftpd was running on the server( calisto ) and I did tftp calisto( on
>calisto ).
>the file /tftpboot/C0A80102 was created as a symbolic link.
>It is weird because the fact that the file was a link should be
>transparent to tftpd
>unless tftpd really want to do something special with links.
This isn't weird at all. Because you used "-s /tftpboot", tftpd
does a ``chroot("/tftpboot")'' before accessing any files, which makes
/tftpboot the root directory of the file system. And since the symlink
points to outside that file system, you can't access the file behind the
Christoph Badura
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