Subject: Re: The PostgreSQL package
To: Sean Witham <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/10/1998 14:36:30
> Does anyone on the list have any experience/knowledge/hear-say of both
> PostgreSQL and mySQL.
Actually my experience is limited only to mysql on a RedHat5.0 based
system, but I thought I would contribute since I know that every little
bit helps.
> I was interested in how they compared when used as a central databased
> that could be accessed via a web server , jave clients, and obdc
> compatable clients on windows.
I am currently in the process of designing a PHP-based frontend to the
MySQL database engine for a local service that myself and a group of guys
are putting together.. personally, the only problem I've had with the
MySQL is that the command-line front-end (not the engine itself) sometimes
core-dumps when trying to display the curses terminal sequences.
I've put the database itself through some medium-scaled stress tests and
it works quite well on the measly pent 120 beast it's currently running
on. It does searches in fractions of a second, the language is complete
enough to make the kind of queries i need... simply for data form entry,
retrieval, and search.
> Of cousre it will be runnign on NetBSD and with apache as the web
> server.
As a matter of fact, our server will be an apache 1.2.6-based system with
a PHP3 module installed.. PHP3 has MySQL built right into it, and
programming it, I must confess with blushing enthusiasm, is *quite* a joy.
It also includes some other amazing features, although the documentation
for PHP3 is just a *tad* sparse.
However, my overall take on the matter is this: MySQL with a PHP3-enhanced
Apache server is looking to be our solution of choice, without going into
thousands and thousands of dollars for a so-called "professional"
solution. *grin*
have fun,
Marc Tooley