Subject: Re: Permissions and vi
To: Dave Cherkus <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/18/1998 17:16:08
>ex/vi: Error: /var/tmp/vi.recover: Permission denied
>ex/vi: Modifications not recoverable if the session fails
>ex/vi: Error: foobar: No such file or directory
>ex/vi: Error: Unable to create temporary file: No such file or directory
>% ls -ld / /tmp /var/tmp
>drwxr-xr-x 16 root wheel 512 Jun 17 16:09 //
>drwxrwsrwt 2 root wheel 512 Jun 18 02:54 /tmp/
>drwxrwsrwt 3 root wheel 512 Jun 17 17:05 /var/tmp/
it sounds like you're missing a /var/tmp/vi.recover directory. make
sure you have one (it might not be there), make sure root owns it
(someone else may own it), and make sure it has the right mode (it
should be the same as /tmp and /var/tmp).
|-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----| * "ah! i see you have the internet (Andrew Brown) that goes *ping*!" * "information is power -- share the wealth."