Subject: Error message troubleshooting question
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Edmund A. Hintz <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/22/1998 09:57:54
Here's the deal. Apple Mac Quadra 700/20/230, NetBSD 1.3.2 standard
install, addition of Apache 1.3b5. About once a day I get the following
error message: "sn0:Recieve Overflow Buffer Exhausted", where "sn0" is my
ethernet interface. Once this message arrives, the machine can still be
pinged, or telneted to, but when trying to hit it from a web browser it
times out. Only way I've found around it is to reboot. I've done a few
searches on this error message, found nothing. Anybody got some ideas on
what to look for? Thanks in advance for any information...
Edmund A. Hintz **|** "You may say I'm a dreamer,
Tenor and Mac Techie * | * But I'm not the only one...
<> * /|\ * I hope someday you'll join us,
'70 Primered Transporter */ | \* And the world will live as one.
'73 Super Beetle ***** Imagine."
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