Subject: RE: X11 is killing me! (the revenge)
To: Alfio Lo Castro <>
From: Jonathan Belson <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/05/1998 11:04:33
On 04-Sep-98 Alfio Lo Castro wrote:
> Regarding my trouble with X11, (I'll remenber you I have an A4000,
> cyberstorm 060, CV 64 3D, NetBSD 1.3.2, kernel standard)
> Well, I have news
> After a lot of tries I have configured my X11 init files to start openwin
> with a bad parameter (non existent); I did it for viewing if openwin starts
> or not.
> Naturally, after typing "startx", openwin gives me the list of correct
> parameters but... while it is printing on screen it freezes, lefting the
> message incomplete!
I always start X with something like `startx >& error.log` so if something
goes wrong I can check the log for error messages.
> I think my X11R6 server freezes... why?
Are you sure it actually freezes? Is it possible it's displaying in a
screen mode that you monitor can't display? (When I first tried NetBSD,
I incorrectly configured it to use AGA mode - it appeared to lock up since
I was using a Picasso without a passthrough).
Try killing X with the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination, that should tell you
if your machine is still responding or not. (Remember not to use the `no-zap`