Subject: Re: ODBC, perl, Access
To: David Maxwell <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/05/1998 17:18:32
In message <>, David Maxwell writes:
>Has anyone managed to use perl on NetBSD to use an
>Access database on an NT server via ODBC?
>I've looked at DBI and DBD::ODBC, but they don't
>mention any previous use on NetBSD. I'm not very
>familliar with the ODBC conceptual structure to
>begin with, any hint that someone else has been
>successful with this before would be heartening :-)
I've been looking at a very similar problem on a BSD/OS system. The
problem is, most of the DBD::xxx interfaces are really presupposing
that you have some database client. Someone dropped me a note that the
very latest DBI might have a "remote" DBD interface, or something like
that, that would do this - and I plan to look into it Any Day Now.
Of course, I don't have an ODBC database or an NT server, so it's a
bit hard. ;)