Subject: Vm Problems
To: None <>
From: Richard Horwood <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/10/1998 15:45:59
Does this mean I have to compile every single binary to support the
type of virtual memory I am using, or is something more seriously wrong?
I certainly hope this won't requre a complete rebuild, since I have
yet to run a successful make build.
# ps -xa
ps: proc size mismatch (33284 total, 624 chunks)
# top
kvm_open: proc size mismatch (33912 total, 624 chunks)
top: Out of memory.
# uname -a
NetBSD semprini 1.3G NetBSD 1.3G (SEMPRINI) #8: Sun Aug 23 22:48:18 EST 1998
root@semprini:/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/SEMPRINI i386
IIRC this kernel was compiled without UVM, it certainly looks this way from
the config file.