Subject: Re: Vm Problems
To: Richard Horwood <>
From: Patrick Welche <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/10/1998 10:35:12
> Does this mean I have to compile every single binary to support the
> type of virtual memory I am using,
Nearly, at least all those that use libkvm eg., ps, w, fstat, ipcs,
netstat, nfsstat, systat, vmstat, ccdconfig, dmesg, savecore, eeprom,
iostat, kgmon, pstat, slstats, trpt, trsp
> I certainly hope this won't requre a complete rebuild, since I have
> yet to run a successful make build.
What happened?
> IIRC this kernel was compiled without UVM, it certainly looks this way from
> the config file.
If you have UVM in the kernel, you will also want UVM=1 in