Subject: RE: problem with xdm
To: nm <>
From: Tim Rightnour <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/16/1998 11:15:43
On 16-Sep-98 nm spoke unto us all:
# I have an NCD17c XTerm set up and when xdm starts up initially
# I get my nifty login: on the XTerm, but if I turn the XTerm off
# and then back on, (reboot it) then I never get the little
# login: prompt until I HUP xdm :(
# here is the line I added to my /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xservers file
# skylight:0 foreign
I'm not very wizardly with the NCD's.. but with my own xterm-like hosts here...
I turn them all on "broadcast" mode, and leave them out of the Xservers file.
The way you have it now puts xdm in directo control of that terminal, and it
must manually start a session with it. Setting things to broadcast mode, and
setting xdm up to respond properly, puts the connection status in the hands of
the terminal.
Tim Rightnour -
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