Subject: RE: problem with xdm
To: None <>
From: nm <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/16/1998 14:56:32
At 11:15 AM 9/16/98 -0700, Tim Rightnour wrote:
>On 16-Sep-98 nm spoke unto us all:
># I have an NCD17c XTerm set up and when xdm starts up initially
># I get my nifty login: on the XTerm, but if I turn the XTerm off
># and then back on, (reboot it) then I never get the little
># login: prompt until I HUP xdm :(
># here is the line I added to my /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xservers file
># skylight:0 foreign
>I'm not very wizardly with the NCD's.. but with my own xterm-like hosts
well gandalf you got it...
i rm'd that line out and then made sure that my XTerm was set at broadcast
it works fine now :)
Nick Maniscalco
>I turn them all on "broadcast" mode, and leave them out of the Xservers
>The way you have it now puts xdm in directo control of that terminal, and it
>must manually start a session with it. Setting things to broadcast mode, and
>setting xdm up to respond properly, puts the connection status in the
hands of
>the terminal.
>Tim Rightnour -
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