Subject: Re: Justification
To: Claude Marinier <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/29/1998 13:42:06
Marinier, M. Claude, G. writes:
> The second question is harder to answer. Solaris is a standard commercial
> operating system. It has an air of respectability and it is supported
> commercially. How do I answer that? Is there a standard "Why you should
> use a free OS" paper out there?
"Far superior support compared with commercial OSes, and at a far more
reasonable price. Plus, we can fix critical bugs thanks to source
> I would prefer to show management an article in the trade press or some
> account of personal experience and success with NetBSD.
I personally deploy NetBSD in mission critical applications at
investment banks in New York, and my customers, thus far, seem largely
happy with what I've done.