Subject: Re: newbie stuff
To: Erik Bertelsen <>
From: Eric Fox <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/30/1998 07:15:10
On 30-Sep-98 Erik Bertelsen wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 29, 1998 at 22:40:25 -0800, Bob Savage wrote:
>> I'm very new to this and having a raft of problems. First, I managed to set
>> up a second account that can 'su' to root permissions -- sorta. I can
>> switch (or whatever that does), but then I cannot (for example, shutdown
>> (e.g. 'halt'); I need to login as root to do that, at which point I get
>> this annoying message that I shouldn't be logging in as root. So my first
>> question is, is it that bad to login as root if I am just doing it to
>> shutdown the computer?
> What do you mean by cannot halt? Does halt refuse to halt the machine, or
> is the halt command command not found, e.g. because you don't have /sbin
> in your PATH when su'ing? Have you tried /sbin/halt ?
> - Erik
Bob, have you edited your /etc/group file so the line which originally looked
like "wheel:*:0:root" now looks something like "wheel:*:0:root,username" ??
This will most likely fix your su account so you can issue halt, reboot, and
such ... another thing is to remember to su to root using "su -" and not "su
root" or simply "su". The dash causes your /root/.profile to be read so all
your paths are set up correctly.
/\---/\ Eric J Fox
/ o o \
\.\ /./ -----------------------------
\@/ "Of course it runs NetBSD."