Subject: Re: newbie stuff
To: Eric Fox <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/30/1998 10:36:38
On Wed, 30 Sep 1998, Eric Fox wrote:
> Bob, have you edited your /etc/group file so the line which originally looked
> like "wheel:*:0:root" now looks something like "wheel:*:0:root,username" ??
> This will most likely fix your su account so you can issue halt, reboot, and
> such ... another thing is to remember to su to root using "su -" and not "su
> root" or simply "su". The dash causes your /root/.profile to be read so all
> your paths are set up correctly.
Or "su -l". Of course, if you read /root/.profile, you're going to get
the warning message again (until you change it)!
BTW, to use "shutdown now" or "shutdown -h now" for "reboot" and
"halt" respectively, you only have to be a member of group operator.
fredb-> grep operator /etc/group
The whole point of "operator" is to let someone shutdown or make dumps
without having root access. #1 son, e.g. knows how to shutdown &
reboot into MacOS, to play games, but he doesn't need the ability to
read or delete all of my mail.