Subject: Cross-compiling a kernel.
To: None <>
From: Kenneth lind <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/18/1998 03:04:46
Good morning. -;)
What do I have to do to build a i386 kernel under NetBSD/Amiga?
Due to lack of harddisk-space (60MB in all) I can't do it on
my laptop. The generic kernel is way to big in my taste, since
there isn't much hardware to support.
Thanks in advance.
/ Kenneth Lind
Amiga1200/B1240/40MHz - 32MB WB3.kludge NetBSD 1.3.2 & X11R6
IBM PS/2 Model L40 SX NetBSD 1.3.2
IRC & AmiComSys: Exil_B ICQ: 17802856