Subject: Re: New kernel probs
To: Richard Horwood <>
From: Matt Knopp <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/19/1998 03:12:55
>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Horwood <> writes:
Richard> source from 'my favorite mirror' *heh*. Now I realize
Richard> that this is a problem with the type of VM system the
If you don't explicitly use UVM it should default to MachVM.
Richard> kernel is using, but there seems to be no option in the
Richard> kernel config to use any other type. So - do I have to
Richard> re-compile everything (and this is a 486, so that's not
yes. unless I am correct in my previous assertion, then comment UVM
out and it might work. (you may also need an /etc/mk.conf, that has
UVM=0 in it.