Subject: Re: Modem will not answer
To: Andreas Gustafsson <>
From: Michael C. Ibarra <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/27/1998 06:59:24
At 01:14 PM 11/27/98 +0200, Andreas Gustafsson wrote:
>> >I tried ATQ1 and it it helped - my modem now answers. Thanks.
>> >
>> >I do think this is more of a workaround than a solution, though.
>> No, this is a pretty comon problem, obscure but common, and I personally
>> thought the correct modem command was "ATE0".
>Indeed it is, but I *had* set ATE0 and it still did not work. Only
>when I set ATE0 *and* ATQ1 did the modem answer.
>> Nope, this happens with any type of unix as far as I know. I had the same
>> exact problem when I first started fooling around with a relatively new
>> AT&T 3B2 ;-)
>I believe you are talking about the common problem where the modem and
>getty get into an infinite login dialog. That's well-known, but this
>is a different problem which occurs while getty is still blocked in
>open() waiting for carrier - there is no way it could have issued a
>login prompt yet.
>I just spent some more time analyzing the problem with a NetBSD
>system, a terminal, an RS232 tester, and an RS232 breakout box (for
>manually controlling the state of the CD signal).
>I found that while CD is low, getty is blocked in open() just like it
>is supposed to. The port speed is reset to the default of 9600 bps at
>this time, regardless of the speed configured for getty in
>/etc/inittab. That's OK, too (although the fact that getty reports it
>as "ispeed 0 baud; ospeed 9600 baud" is somewhat suspect).
>Now for the buggy part. I found that when I set the terminal to 9600
>bps (only), the system will actually echo all terminal input back to
>the terminal, even though CD is low and getty is still blocked in
>open(). With the terminal set to other speeds close to 9600 bps, the
>echo still occurs, but the echoed data is garbage because the system
>always echoes at 9600.
>This is clearly wrong - a tty is not supposed to echo anything when it
>is strictly speaking not even open yet.
>I suspect this can also explain some other problems I have been having
>with ppp chat scripts failing with PCMCIA modems in dialout mode.
>> Maybe something in the FAQ is in order, but not any OS "fix"
>I beg to differ, and will send a PR.
>Andreas Gustafsson,
Well since you've bothered to use a BOB and I haven't, nor intend to ;-), plus
go through such great lengths then I guess you are right ;-)
PS Great troubleshooting