Subject: Re: Problems with ifaliases in 1.3.3 NetBSD
To: NetBSD help <>
From: John Nemeth <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/04/1999 21:48:06
On Jan 3, 5:57pm, Stanislaw Szczygiel wrote:
} O.K, again about problems with ifaliases. This time with more
} informations about system and initialization files. Problem is in
} lack of any result of working ifaliases: they appear the same as in
} 1.3.2 (and then work very well), but in 1.3.3 - I see the effect of
} commands (see below) - the same as in working 1.3.2 NetBSD!!! But
} ping on address 148.....161, 162, 164 - gives no echo. But there is a
} little change between old system and new: now I use 100MB SMC PCI
} cards, erlier there were 10MB netcards... System works fine, speed is
} very well - so I think systemm see my cards well. But maybe there are
} some changes in drivers... I really dont know why this not work.
} Ok, lets see my parameters and effect of netstat.
} This is "ifaliases" file:
} ep2
} ep2
} ep2
On my system, I don't bother with netmasks in ifaliases. Try: ep2
The other thing you could try is what somebody else suggested, which
is to make the netmask the same as the primary one for the interface,
i.e.: ep2
}-- End of excerpt from Stanislaw Szczygiel