Subject: Re: ViewSonic G773 Monitor and XF863.3.2
To: Sean Murphy <>
From: Matt Knopp <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/23/1999 16:12:33
>>>>> "Sean" == Sean Murphy <> writes:
Sean> I've been trying to get X to run on my system here. I have
Sean> a View Sonic G773 17" monitor, and an ATI XPert@Play 98 (8M)
Well, first ATI video cards are fairly annoying because ATI chooses to not
publish spces.
Sean> video card. I'm pretty sure the problem is something
Sean> between X and my monitor. What happens is this: whenever I
Sean> run the XMach64 server that is recommended for my card, my
Sean> monitor clicks down into power saving mode, the same as it
Hmm. I assume you correctly entered your horz and vert refresh rates?