Subject: Re: Upgrade to 1.3.3 - system will not boot
To: None <>
From: Claude Marinier <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/26/1999 10:52:07
I replaced the Maxtor 71084 A with a LPS420A. The system now finishes the
BIOS stuff and boots from the install floppy. As a test, I connected the
Maxtor as the secondary master; the BIOS saw the LPS but got stuck at the
Maxtor. It appears that the disk drive died between the end of the install
script and the reboot.
Thanks to those who wrote.
Claude Marinier, Information Technology Group
Defence Research Establishment Ottawa (DREO) (613) 998-4901 FAX 998-2675
3701 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0Z4