Subject: Re: upgrading to 1.4 - passwd fails to work!
To: Steve Hobbs <>
From: Chris Jones <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/02/1999 08:44:40
>>>>> "Steve" == Steve Hobbs <> writes:
Steve> I have just upgraded my arm32 NetBSD machine from 1.3.? to 1.4
Steve> release, by hand-installing the files. The system is installed
Steve> OK, and runs happily, except that (a) running passwd on a user
Steve> _always_ reports "passwd file busy, try again later". Using
Steve> vipw, and leaving the password field blank always worked under
Steve> 1.3, but now I can't login at all. The only way into the system
Steve> is to boot single user, and do everything as root.
Steve> The permissions on the passwd related files seem OK, so what is
Steve> going on??
You probably have a file named /etc/pw.* sitting around. Remove it,
and you should be fine. It's a password lock file.
Chris Jones
Mad scientist at large
"Is this going to be a stand-up programming session, sir, or another bug hunt?"