Subject: Re: recent boot.fs for 1.4?
To: Scott Presnell <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/09/1999 17:18:10
I would not trust "upgrade" in sysinst, even in the 1.4.pre1 code. We
haven't had enough people beating on it.
My suggestion is that you do an "obvious" hand upgrde. Its fairly
straightforward. Simply:
0) load all the sets onto your machine
1) boot single user with a new GENERIC kernel (keep the old kernel
just in case!)
2) for each set that you want to untar (NOT etc.tgz!!!!!) do a
cat foo.tgz | (cd /; tar --unlink -xBpzf - )
untar base.tgz first, untar secr.tgz last. Otherwise, the order
doesn't matter much. If you don't untar base first, you may end up
with shared library issues that are unpleasant. If you don't untar
secr last, you'll blow away the secr set with the "normal" versions of
the same files, which isn't what you want.
3) untar the etc.tgz directory somewhere and hand upgrate your
/etc. This is the worst part.
I realize we should have a working "upgrade", but unfortunately, we
get very little volunteer help with sysinst these days and the quality
of the system is a direct reflection of what people are willing to
work on...
Scott Presnell <> writes:
> Hi Folks,
> I was planning to upgrade my i386 systems
> to 1.4 in the near future, but I remembered reading
> that sysinst on the original 1.4 boot image dropped
> core when the "upgrade" path was chosen.
> Is there a more recent boot.fs image around with
> a fixed/patched/updated sysinst that would allow
> for an upgrade sans sysinst.core?
> Thanks.
> - Scott Presnell (