Subject: Re: Pkg dependancy not listed on web page
To: None <,,>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/17/1999 22:49:01
In article <03a001becfee$9307ca80$> you wrote:
> There is no dependency listed for the bash pkg? Is this an error?
> I'm getting:
> smtp# pkg_add -f /usr/share/bash-2.03.tgz
> updating /etc/shells
> install-info: not found
> pkg_add: command 'install-info /usr/pkg/info/ /usr/pkg/info/dir' failed
> pkg_add: can't open dependency file '/var/db/pkg/gtexinfo-3.12/+REQUIRED_BY'!
> dependency registration is incomplete
> After installing gtexinfo all worked fine (though I had to manually add /usr/pkg/bin to my path to get install-info to work).
It seems the bash package was done on something newer than your system.
- Hubert
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