Subject: Re: V1.4 and UVM problem
To: Scott R. Burns <Scott.Burns@Netcontech.Com>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/22/1999 10:46:59
On Wed, Jul 21, 1999 at 12:59:27PM -0400, Scott R. Burns wrote:
> I see (in the pr I should have looked af before mailing (7578)) this has
> been addressed in uvm_fault.c (V1.29 and up) by chs.
> So seeing as V1.4 seems to be V1.27.2.1 I guess I need to know:
> 1) Will this release of uvm_fault.c be in V1.4.1 ?
From the CVS log:
date: 1999/06/18 18:05:12; author: perry; state: Exp; lines: +19 -4
pullup 1.28->1.29 (chuq): fixes loss of process data under heavy paging bug
So yes, it's in 1.4.1
> 2) Estimated release of V1.4.1
I think it's planned for end of july ... but you can already grab the sources
and compile them by yourselve:
> or
> 3) Failing a V1.4.1 release that meets the last July time frame could
> the -current /sys/uvm directory be used on V1.4 ?
I think you'll need some changes to the pmap modules at last ...
better use the NetBSD-release tree :)
Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI.