Subject: Re: Problems with floppy instalation of NetBSD 1.4
To: Backb0ne <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/22/1999 10:51:37
On Thu, Jul 22, 1999 at 04:51:39AM +0000, Backb0ne wrote:
> Hi, i have trying to install NetBSD from many ways. First, from a mounted filesystem i have my packages on a windows partition but sysinst couldn't get them.
> Second, i tried to burn a cd but noone in my small city noone want to copy from hdd to hdd.
> I decied to buy 40 floppies and install NetBSD by "myself". SO:
> 1. i create my boot disk for 1.4, boot the comp and make my netbsd partition without problems (1150 mbs)
> 2. I choose a "custum instalation" and i did not install Xgames, X11programming and Xfonts because i don't really use that.
> 3. I cope all the needed files in the 35 floppies and start the instalation.
> Sysinst copied all the files without problems but when it finished suddenlly a error:
> Status: Running
> Command: pax -zrpe -f /mnt/base.tgz
> gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--format violated
> pax: Enf of archive volume 1 reached
> ATTENTION! pax archive volume change required.
> Ready for archive volume: 2
> Input archive name or "." to quit pax
> Archive name>
> What could be wrong ? the floppies are all them new and formated under dos (format a:).
> I really thank any help with this.
I guess there was a bad file somewhere.
I'm a bit surprised you can't mount your win95 partition however.
What is your partition table, and what device did you give it ?
Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI.