Subject: Re: MANPATH
To: Peter Seebach <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/16/1999 01:40:45
On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, Peter Seebach wrote:
> Okay, here's what I want to do:
> As a user on a NetBSD box, I want to make 'man' look in "whatever the system
> directories are", plus also "$HOME/man/manN".
> How can I do this? Basically, I want a way to set $MANPATH such that, if
> nothing is found in the directories I specify, man falls back on 'man.conf' -
> or I want a way to get the "correct" $MANPATH to append things to.
Here's mine:
fredb@handy-> echo $MANPATH
perl only has man/man3, and that works fine, so you should be able to
use simply ~/man, and man will then search all of ~/man/man[1-9], and
~/man/cat[1-9], as exists.
That's "man". For "xman", you can customize further to give a separate
menu entry for the $HOME man pages by creating a ~/man/mandesc, with
or without ("no default sections") having pages also listed in the
usual place.