Subject: Re: source
To: Reinoud Koornstra <,>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/15/1999 00:57:32
In article <> you wrote:
> I run netbsd 1.4 on a i386 machine.
> But i dont have the source in /usr
> I dont have the /usr/src dir
> I want it, to be able to configure the kernel and get the rnd device out.
> Can anyone tell me the best way to get the source in the right place?
mkdir /usr/src
Then get sources somehow - either via FTP, sup, AnonCVS, whatever.
*dig* gives some hints.
If you just want 1.4 sources, check out For the kernel
source, sets/sysrc.tgz is what you want.
- Hubert
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