Subject: Re: your mail
To: Jerry Alexandratos <darkstar@UDel.Edu>
From: Andy Doran <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/18/1999 11:58:04
On Sun, 17 Oct 1999, Jerry Alexandratos wrote:
> Hi, I'm currently using another BSD (it's the one that touts itself as
> the Ultra-Secure one). Anyway, I'm looking to switch becuase I'm not
> quite happy with some of the attitudes around there.
> 3. I noticed that there's a project to incorporate userland PPP. How's
> that going? Anyone want a willing tester?
I sent Brian Somers (the maintainer of ppp(8)) a bunch of patches against
it. There are still some more to go in; once that's done I'll make a
package - soon.
> 4. Soft Updates? I know that there was some work to integrate it. Did
> it ever get integrated?
Not yet. There are problems with unmounting filesystems, and I've also
seen a couple of nasty lockups. Not ready for prime time use just yet.
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