Subject: Re: Difference between netBSD and freeBSD
To: Lagler, Markus <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/02/1999 10:16:26
In message <318FE62117EDD211B2E10050046668161354E7@EXCHANGE>, "Lagler, Markus"
>I'm a new to this netBSD and freeBSD stuff respectivly and would like to
>know what the major differences between the two OSs are.
>The question can be formulated different: Why should I choose netBSD
>over freeBSD?
>Can anybody give me some advice?
We're cooler, we have more fun, and the technical differences probably won't
Obviously, if you're using one of the platforms NetBSD supports and FreeBSD
doesn't, NetBSD has a big advantage.
Also, remember that you will be asked thousands of times what OS you run; you
can save a letter every time if you pick NetBSD. Within fifteen years, you
may have avoided wearing out one key on your favorite keyboard.