Subject: Re: console freezes during dialup connections
To: =?iso-8859-1?q?Paulo=20Aukar?= <>
From: Phaedrus <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/27/1999 23:10:43
> From: "[iso-8859-1] Paulo Aukar" <>
> Subject: console freezes during dialup connections
> The consoles (wscons) and X screens often freeze when
> the
> machine is connected to Internet. Which could be the
> problem?
> Which should I do to solve this problem. I run a i386
> netbsd-1.4.1.
> Can someone help me? Thanks a lot. Paulo Andrade.
Does the whole computer appear to freeze, or just the display? If, as far
as you can tell, the whole computer locks up, you probably have an IRQ
conflict between your ethernet card/modem and something else... when this
happends, all you can do is go through every card and device on your
system and reset their IRQs. This usualy requires the manuals to the cards
on your system, unless the manufacturer was kind enough to put the jumper
information on each card.
The chances that NetBSD is misconfigured badly enough to cause this is
almost nil; you would have to have gone mucking about, upgrading libc and
deleting the old one, and stuff like that, or testing alpha quality device
drivers. I don't think you are doing that. However, the chances that the
computer worked passably with Windows 3.1 or DOS (simply having one of the
devices not working), but refuses to run under NetBSD is fairly good. IE,
there is probably nothing wrong with NetBSD, but it may have cuased this
problem to surface.