Subject: Interesting Server permissions situation....
To: None <>
From: Bruce Martin <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/14/2000 16:17:13
Hi All,
We have one system on our network that is responsible for holding all pkgsrc
distfiles. So, what we do is mount an nfs from that directory to
/usr/pkgsrc/distfiles on our local machines, and this works quite nicely:
one central copy of the distfiles for use by everybody. Problem: somebody
decides to delete their pkgsrc tree without umounting distfiles, and we all
lose our distfiles! If we export the nfs read only, then nobody can add
packages to the collection. Does anybody have an idea of how we could all
share this distfiles directory, be able to read it as well as put new files
on it, but not be able to delete any of the files on it?