Subject: Re: upgrading issue.
To: NetBSD netbsd-help mailing list <>
From: Julian Coleman <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/24/2000 09:41:22
> I wish to remark something about the make build.
> Very soon it starts with: cd /usr/src/share/mk && make install
> Then it goes to the libs,. builds them and does an install.
[Summary - it would be good to build first and then install if the build
I think the problem here is that any files that are compiled need to be built
against the correct include files and any dynamically linked binaries need to
be linked against the correct version of the libraries. It's difficult to do
this in place in the source tree. However, if you have spare disk space for
a base installation, you can use DESTDIR, so that the binaries are not
installed over your existing system. For example (sh syntax) :
mkdir /current
cd /usr/src
DESTDIR=/current make build > /tmp/build.log 2>&1 &
This will build the system and install it under /current. You can then do a
make install without DESTDIR to install it over your old system.
See also the comments at the top of /usr/src/Makefile
My other computer also runs NetBSD