Subject: Re: named settings
To: Michael C. Ibarra <>
From: Mark R. Nathan <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/19/2000 03:13:44
On 6/19/00, Michael C. Ibarra wanted to tell me:
>named.boot is the file used by BIND 4.x servers, named.conf is the file used
>for BIND 8.x servers. Try to stick with named.conf as BIND 8.x (the latest one
>at least, is what is highly recommended due to severe security holes 
>with 4.x as
>well as older 8.x versions. For more info on BIND, go to

After a little more investigation I realized this was Bind 4.x also. 
So I tried my best to input my settings inside the template provided 
in namedb dir and copied it to my /etc folder.

running named still gives me a cant open named.conf (though it now 
does exist).  I am thinking the permissions are set incorrectly but 
dont know what it should be set to.  I am obviously doing something 

>>  > 2. Somewhere I was instructed on including the following in my 
>>named.boot file:
>>>  directory  /var/domain
>The directory can be whatever you want it to be, so as long as it is 
>stated in this file,
>which has to live in /etc or at least have a link from /etc to where it lives.
>BTW, you mentioned /etc.resolv.conf , this file is who *you* will 
>resolve from, the way
>I spelled it is the way it is correct.
>>  >

The directory is hosted currently now inside the /etc/namedb folder. 
Which is perfectly fine for now.   regarding the etc.resolv.conf .. 
clarifying.. this is my ISP's nameservers and search domain names 
(also included my IP and Domain as well).  Where can I find 'up to 
date' info about this.  I seem to find the online tutorials and books 
that give me completely different ways of doing this.  Most of which 
seem wrong now.


PS:  How do i set up my rc.local file to start named at boot?


    Mark R. Nathan              
    Miraboo Group         