Subject: Re: Network connection
To: Petra Hofmann <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/22/2000 13:08:10
Petra Hofmann writes:
> Next step is to configure the NIC.  The 3c905B is recognized and the LAN
> Switch it is connected to sees the NIC momentarily during the bootup. 
> However, dhcp searches and doesn't find a connection.

If you manually do "dhclient ex0" as root, what happens?
Does this machine work correctly (e.g. get an address via DHCP) under

> My system is a Vines network and is connected by LanSw and router to the HO
> via FR and intranet.  All my w9x & NT boxes use dhcp server (ofcourse) to
> assign 10.x.x.x and def mask (all 1s) along with the dns server ip addr.  As
> user has access to the internet after bootup with logon to the vines server or
> the intrAnet.  Myl users don't have local names or domain to make the internet
> connection.

The "all 1s" mask sounds fishy, do you mean something like '' 

If you have been able to DHCP with this machine under a different OS it
should work under NetBSD.

> Issue:  I have tried setting the local router addr as asked for by rc.conf
> which doesn't work.  What other config considerations need I try?  Should the
> local ip addr be set to the dns server ip addr?

I hate to recommend such a thing, but a a *temporary* test, you could copy
down the information under Windows (winipcfg /all) and configure NetBSD with
it. (e.g. use a DHCP address statically)

You should be able to create a file /etc/ifconfig.ex0:
	inet 10.x.x.x netmask 255.x.x.y

Then in /etc/rc.conf:

And in /etc/resolv.conf
	nameserver 10.x.y.z

You should never configure the router address as the DNS server, or the DNS
server address as the router (unless they happen to be the same address)
as that will never work, and just cause confusion.  Also, make sure you
don't try to use either address on your ethernet card or you'll wreak havoc
on your coworkers.

But...  DHCP should really really work, and all it needs is for you to
change /etc/rc.conf and set "dhclient=YES" and reboot.  You might need to
"touch /etc/dhclient.conf" as well.  Test dhclient from the root prompt
as I mentioned above.

Andrew Gillham                            | NetBSD ist Affengeil.                     | Nachts ist es kaelter
I speak for myself, not for my employer.  | als draussen.